Contact Us
If you are a resident or community looking for support, please visit the Smartaira Support Page for our Knowledge Library and Instructions for opening a Support Ticket online. For immediate assistance, call (310) 974-8776.
Hours of Operation:
Technical Support
24 hours per day, 7 days per week
Billing and Account Support
Monday-Sunday: 7:00am – 7:00pm (Pacific Time)
New Service Activation
If you live in one of the communities we serve and would like to purchase Smartaira services, please complete our online Service Activation Form and a Smart Desk associate will reach out to you shortly. For immediate assistance, call (310) 974-8776.
Would you like to see the services available in your community? Visit our Find Services at Your Community search engine.
Smart Desk Hours of Operation:
New Activations
Monday-Sunday: 7:00am – 7:00pm (Pacific Time)
Account Management
If you are a current Smartaira internet, entertainment, or smart home client or community looking to speak with your Account Executive, please visit the Ask Account Management page to ask a question or request an appointment. For immediate assistance, call (310) 974-8776.